Julian of Norwich’s Pandemic and Ours: All Will Be Well
with Sue Rakoczy, IHM, PhD
Julian of Norwich (1373-1416/1423) lived in England during continuing outbreaks of the Black Death or Great Pestilence. The pandemic was most severe in 1347-1351 when about half of Western Europe died. When she was thirty, Julian experienced a series of visions of Christ in his Passion and later reflected on these Revelations after she became an anchoress, a form of hermit life.
In this midst of all the suffering of her time, Julian wrote “All will be well—and all manner of things shall be well.” Why could she say this and what might this mean for us as COVID continues to impact our world?
Sue Rakoczy, IHM, PhD, is a feminist theologian with a particular research interest in the writings of women mystics. She recently completed 32 years of academic teaching in South Africa.